Saturday, April 30, 2016

How To Be a Pro at Agario

      Hey there! Welcome back to another one of my amazing blogs! In this blog, I'm going to be talking about how to be a pro in an internet based free game called agario. If you never heard of agario, its a game about gaining mass when your a circle and trying to reach number one on the leader board. This is a competitive game and its fun and addicting too!

   Here's a tip to get you to number one easily. You need to team up with other players by aiming at them and pressing w. If they put mass into you; you can team with them. Agario is much easier when your teaming with other people and you are not alone. Another tip is that at the start, once you reach around 100 mass, you should split in two and you can collect dots easier.

   Thanks for reading my blog! I really hoped you enjoyed it! I hope you stay tuned for more blogs in the future! With that, have a great day and I'll see you in my next blog!

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