Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Basics of Just Cause 3

   Hey guys! Welcome back to another one of my amazing blogs! In this blog, I'm going to be talking about the basics and what you need to know about Just Cause 3. If don't know this game, Just Cause 3 is a sandbox game where you can blow up and destroy things. If you like destruction, then this game is definitely for you. The graphics are outstanding when it comes to explosions.

   Some things you need to learn as a beginner in the game are to know how to wing suit, parachute, and grapple. Yes, you can fly in this game. There is a tutorial at the start of the game where it shows you everything. You can tether and break apart building and cars. This game is ridiculous and you can basically do whatever you want whenever you want.

   Thank you so much for reading my blog! Please read more of my blogs in the future. I really enjoy creating these blogs and I hope you enjoy reading them. I'll see you in my next blog!

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